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THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. goes global. WoW Blizzlike

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Please note that a lot of posts were deleted due to being nothing else but flaming or inappropriate. Reading experience may vary. -- schlumpf

This thread was highly censored by Modcraft. Experience may vary. --eThyrie

Look, look very close to all the messages. Because this is the only thing that the users that commented in here are getting from me EVER

[center:1r2w6i2h]It is happening guys!
DynZone | EspalZone | Hack2Zone | Own3dCraft | ManiaStart | AtrixZone[/center:1r2w6i2h]
More info in this thread very soon.

[media:1r2w6i2h][/media:1r2w6i2h] - The website will be in english too, right now is open, but in spanish
Trolling not intended

Playlist with all the trailers until now: ... 4nkoiA38EN

Well, sometimes I DO deliver, lets continue where we left off, shall we?
And expect Gomb to be mad at me.  :lol:
I don't like to show off unfinished things, but we have to fix the day :'D
The website:

This is all "theAbyss", the Instant-Custom realm, focused on fast placed action and balance, and a new storyline, of course. We had it all in paper  :twisted:
Please take note of the date the videos were uploaded

What the hell is this: The remake of Flanoir, it has an equivalent for the horde named Asgard

Why the hell are there colours
The blue is used for PvE; The red, for PvP; The gray, for the realm lore and general progression
Where's the video?
Why are there extrange sounds: Because this weren't meant to be published.

What the hell is this: The remake of Heimdall (this)

This started as an inside joke but we are making it a reality
Screenshots when It's actually finished

If you are asking about the horde shop... There is no video at the moment.

The atribution of the ideas that we are showing here would be to me. But Gomb is who created the maps while we were talking on how to do it and added his own touch. In total, all of this were two days of work

This is NOT what we were talking about in our Manifesto video
Phantasia 2011 -> theAbyss 2015
Phantasia 2016 ->

It is very hard to tell all of this without spoiling.



DynZone is the relaunch of one of the best spaniard wow communities of all time, now reborn as a single english/spanish community. We are planing to release 4 game-servers in this year: Counter Strike, Minecraft, GunZ and WoW

When we closed back in 2011, we were doing what was known as "Phantasia", a custom-instant realm that was awesome, but only lasted two weeks. I recommend you to watch the videos of our youtube channel to give everything some context

[center:1r2w6i2h]About us[/center:1r2w6i2h]
We are a small group of young people (20-25 years old) that loves videogames and have A LOT of experience in gaming, servers, communities... And we would love to play with all of you. :)

Nowadays, we have two machines, but I'm not telling how are them going to work. The only thing you have to know, is that they are Multi-Core, more than 100mbps and more than 32GB of RAM, and are hosted in Canadá and France

Also, we are developing a new general community called EspalZone

[center:1r2w6i2h]About our WoW servers[/center:1r2w6i2h]
We are planing on the short-mid term to release 3 of our 4 main realms. All of them with spanish and english version. The website will be available in both languages too.

The thread will be completed when we release our website (A lot of info to be added)


--- Quote from: "MountainLion" ---Spanish*
Me imagino este vídeo es de vuestra gente/equipo de trabajo. Por lo que puedo apreciar en este vídeo, basicamente quereis unificar a toda la comunidad hispana y latina para que juegen en vuestro server... Con 146 vistas y un preview del contenido custom, por favor mantenga nos informados.

I imagine this is your people's/team's video. From what I can tell based off this video, is that you basically want to unify the entire hispanic and latino communities so that they play on your server... With 146 views and a preview of your custom (Phantasia? :P ) content, please keep us informed on that  "boom-community-destroyer" doomsday. We deserve to be prepared.

--- End quote ---
I don't want to unify anything

That video was from myself, not representing the team

I want to merge spanish/english communities in a project named EspalZone. Well is not that I want, It's fucking happening ATM.

Anyone who wants can try to catch up with us... You won't make it to months after we release, at least not in our quality levels

The wow server is a completely different thing

You'll be prepared when its releasing, we are helping EVERYONE, not destroying what people have believed in and worked for year

I'm not releasing ships and bitches until I can start releasing the things that we are doing that we wanna be first at. The wow community is very lame with this kind of things...

What we presented is what we are doing. If you don't want to believe us, great! :D

Gomb/Graham says hi, for example
I think you have already met them.

If you think that videos aren't perfect is because they aren't, so well... Fuck you? I did them only by myself and the maximum thing that I have already done was this last year.  

Still learning video editing and I didn't wanted to introduce myself on 3D editing since there are people in the team that can do that.


--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---Only that the thing that made me leave... Made me hate a lot of people.
--- End quote ---
That sounds very intriguing! What is the actual thing, if I may ask?


--- Quote from: "Смердокрыл" ---
--- Quote from: "iMithos" ---Only that the thing that made me leave... Made me hate a lot of people.
--- End quote ---
That sounds very intriguing! What is the actual thing, if I may ask?
--- End quote ---


And suddenly, minecraft



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