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Next Expansion

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Krang Stonehoof:
If anyone is curious,

The Blizzard is streaming from gamescom and today they will present the next expansion:

yeah im watching it. i think its the right direction. they goes back to BC stuff


--- Quote from: "Nekatus" ---yeah im watching it. i think its the right direction. they goes back to BC stuff
--- End quote ---

As much as WoD was.
We can't judge an expansion by its art (which has always been pretty good with Blizzard), we need gameplay for that.
And, mark my words, they will fail at game design.

I will grab all those little 3D models and make whatever I want with them !

Krang Stonehoof:
Fail at game design? Why you say that?

Someone was working on the demon hunter class here, now Blizz did it :D


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