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Messages - Jamskii

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: Noggit Crashing on startup?
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:55:29 pm »
Ok, thanks =) I'm going to put windows on my mac and see if it works on that, probably is the GPU, it's very old haha

Edit: After installing windows onto my mac, downloading WoW and Noggit, I can say that it works perfectly, so I'm assuming it was a GPU issue, thanks for the help =)

Noggit / Re: Noggit Crashing on startup?
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:53:32 am »
Uhhh some reason, it won't let me post links or paste the config/log file into a post =S Sorry, really new

Noggit / [SOLVED] Noggit Crashing on startup?
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:50:20 am »
Hey, I know this question has been asked a number of times, but I just can't seem to get it working.. If anyone would be able to help me out, it'd be much appreciated! Here's my log file:

and here's what my config file looks like:

My config is called "noggit.conf" so I don't really know what the problem is =/ I'm on windows 7 32bit, downloaded the C++ 2008 & 2010 redistributed packages too, but still no luck =/

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