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Messages - Jak

Pages: [1]
Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Better Parachute in 3.3.5
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:04:52 pm »
Hey guys! As you know the parachute in 3.3.5 its only the slow fall of the mage with a visual effect on it and you can´t move while using it(it goes in front until you touch the ground) and the speed of falling is way too fast.

What im trying to do is editing the blizz one to make it more flexible. My idea is reducing the falling speed even more so you can look at the map while falling and make it to be able to move in the air and chose in wich direction to go with the parachute buff on. Ive created a new model for it and a new spell using a blizz one as an example but I can´t figure where to change the falling speed and how to make it so you can move while falling.

Any idea?

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