Forum > Tutorials

[TUTORIAL] Custom Item (Model Export, Attachments, DBC&SQL)

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Thanks for pointing that out :)
I suppose there's no tool except hex editing to do this? Of there isn't I'll just drop that part in the tutorial, since it's supposed to be for "near beginners" as it's something most people would like to do and I don't want to confuse them.

Yeah, most likely drop it.

wt!! Fantastic i was looking for this :D Thanks a lot ;)

What i'm supposed to do in case 3dstom2.exe crashes before asking me the textures to be loaded? O.o


--- Quote from: "SirFranc" ---What i'm supposed to do in case 3dstom2.exe crashes before asking me the textures to be loaded? O.o
--- End quote ---

You most like have to many (Sub)meshes, you'll have to reduce them.

Atleast, that's what's Tigurius told me, although I was creating custom buildings, rather than weapons. And I still can't fix it! :<


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