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[TUTORIAL] OBJ to M2 + Blender setting and m2 swap [VIDEO]

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Having a bit of trouble getting this tool to convert a model with multiple textures. The .mtl and .obj files are fine and looking at it in hex yields everything looking fine, but it seems like I can't get it to recognize that there are multiple submeshes to assign those textures to. Any ideas?

What we Know
in OBJ structure (texteditor) is texture written as "USEMTL_TextureName"

When you have model (OBJ) With more then 1. Mesh as this

Create Simple texture for every Mesh and Name dat texture as your BLP


Then save to OBJ and export to M2
All textures will be loaded from your path that you set in converting


If you want to at all change Path of individual textures for model you have to do it in 010 Editor

Thanks for all your help dahaga, really appreciate it.

When i readed your question i wanted to make Video Tut about it when i was finished it has 44 min :D
so i  posted those images istead :D
Also i will make better version of video Tut and upload it


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