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[Tutorial] HD character model triangle reduction

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--- Quote from: "Songen" ---nice guide, i do prefer using the poly reducer script tho :P
--- End quote ---

I didn't mention that script in the guide because it was removed in blender 2.5 and decimate works better, but feel free to use it if you want :D

Very useful.
For your first screenshot, what retroporting method did you use ? I find your result... interesting.


--- Quote from: "spik96" ---Very useful.
For your first screenshot, what retroporting method did you use ? I find your result... interesting.
--- End quote ---

I just modified the UV mapping with blender and the textures with my photoshop action set. Then converted it to lich king with Tagteam M2 Converter (although you can do it by hand if you want). I didn't reduce the polygon count so it gave me that error. Depending on the m2mod version you are using you will get more or less damaged geometry, because it changes the geoset order and you get the polygon overload on top of the smaller geosets, but the triangle count is exactly the same and it won't work until you reach 21845. The final result always looks the same.

Anyway, i uploaded the HD human male and female fully working for WOTLK if someone want to test the results: ... TLK+v2.rar

The human female was my "guinea pig" so maybe you can find some over-reduced geosets (instead of 0.5 i used a ratio of 0.3 or something like that), but i tried to repair it the best i could and i'm satisfied with the results.


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