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[TUTORIAL] Resize UVmap of HD models faster with MultiEdit

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Beacuse that place for face is not enough big to handle all things that Blizz placed in da texture that is like ... 512x512 also that little corner in left has been also used by Blizz for some parts and now its replaced with face so to let you understand its like .... ( from my prespection ) " Where the F*ck i have to place all these textures ! there isnt enough space for it ! " --> thats problem of Draeneis and Undeads mainly cuz of Undead bones and Draeneis Tail we just dont have space for these textures its glithy sometimes .... i give you example

This is HD by Blizzard

This is NON  HD by Blizzard

And this is HD for WOTLK

So cuz of downporting we lost all these parts

and we have to deal with it ...

That's not my question I perfectly understand why we move the face in the down left section.
Let's take humans. What I would find normal is :
(Texture) Move the face texture in the section then cut
(UV) Move the face UV in the section
And that's all (for the face at least)

But there is an extra step that is
(UV) Move randomly mouth&teeth UV until it looks good
(See 3:03 in the video)
Why ? Everything done by hand is always imprecise and should be avoided.

EDIT : I think I understand, you just move it without resizing&stretching properly like what was done for textures hence an UV not fitting

Because texture is edited by hand to fit its not just ... cut it here and insert here

I think I don't use the right method to replace and resize the face with the teeth and mouth. There's probably a better way to do it properly.


--- Quote from: "Alastor" ---Beacuse that place for face is not enough big to handle all things that Blizz placed in da texture that is like ... 512x512 also that little corner in left has been also used by Blizz for some parts and now its replaced with face so to let you understand its like .... ( from my prespection ) " Where the F*ck i have to place all these textures ! there isnt enough space for it ! " --> thats problem of Draeneis and Undeads mainly cuz of Undead bones and Draeneis Tail we just dont have space for these textures its glithy sometimes .... i give you example

This is HD by Blizzard

This is NON  HD by Blizzard

And this is HD for WOTLK

So cuz of downporting we lost all these parts

and we have to deal with it ...
--- End quote ---

You can fix this, with create extra texture (like tauren fur) for the teeth, i have use this method for the draenei horns and tail


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