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Talk with WOW devs - What they say!

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Hi! being subscribed to the Q&A WoW dev group pays, since i get at times interesting things from the Devs of WoW that answers the user question, and much stuff that usually isn't said, now is!

I'll post here the most notable answers I read at times, and i want you to have your say :D

--- Quote ---Q: Is it possible to let the players create/edit their own looks? - Zed Loft (Taiwan), Vysha (NA/ANZ), Ráchel (EU|German)

A: As we said in an earlier Q&A, we definitely hear loud and clear from players that they want more customization for their character. This is something we want to provide, but we want to do it in the right way. Consider the Barber Shop feature. It lets you change your character's hair, but there’s not a lot of gameplay to it. We're not sure that feature really added a lot to the game in retrospect. Is WoW more fun for you now that you have a Barber Shop? Are you more likely to keep playing because of it? Maybe, but it wasn’t a cheap feature to add in terms of development time. Dumping a bunch of dyes on the game might have a similar effect, where some players might have fun playing around with the system for a bit, but a lot of players might change their colors once or twice and then forget about the feature after that. Now, not every aspect of the game needs a ton of depth and a lot of interesting decisions, but we tend to attract more players to a feature the more robust the feature is.

We also think it's fair to argue that the game just needs more armor and weapon art. As we said above, we deliver a lot of art these days, but we also produce an enormous number of new items every expansion or patch and it’s understandably disappointing whenever items use the same art. It would be really cool if not every mage or priest converged on the same look after a given expansion or patch.
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This particular answer made me frown, honestly, Aesthetic is a big part of a MMO since you're playing your avatar and you want it to be as close as possible to what you like it to be, this is the basic principle of even creating a character.

According to blizzard, they clearly stated that whatever thing does not require grind and won't be the reason for 500 hours of farming is not actually worthing to be done, and that says also why WoW is going to get only worse, because the mental approach is that, "let's do stuff to make people grind"

Everyone has been asking for new character models/ more customization, starting from asymmetrical faces, passing through more decent hairstiles (some of them are just bad looking, and some new haircut have a really poor UV mapping also) not to mention the never underrated human male (which is horrible, and almost everyone agrees on that)

I don't want to make it a hater thread, but really while i smiled on some answers, this one made me really disappointed, why saying that no one really used the barber shop? people actually did use it, you use it once, or twice, that's what the barbershop is for, you don't HAVE to do it, but you CAN do it.
It's not about what players HAVE TO do, it's giving more possibilities to players, and in this particular case, BASIC ones, since WoW has a quite poor customization (not as poor as most MMOs around, but still sucks utterly compared to other games like RoM - which is a good game, has potential, good graphic, but they tried to make another clone of wow and failed - or Perfect World - that is sadly another stupid Korean MMO Grind-grind-grind), so I really think here Blizz would take a step backward and ask themselves WHAT is a MMO, apart from a money machine.

--- Quote ---Q: Would it be possible for city quartermasters to sell the same equipment that guards wear? Stats wouldn't matter. - Pokemonmasta (EU|English), Tajit (NA/ANZ)

A: Cool idea. We'll talk about it.
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I smiled, because the amount of work to do that is so ridicolous that nearly every private server has guard armor and npc armor unlocked, because people actually LOVE some npcs armors, and way to implement them are more than thousands. Happy to see that after only 6 years they are finally getting that.

--- Quote ---Q: Any chance we can start heading away from WWE-esque belts? - Catriona (NA/ANZ)

A: Azeroth is stricken by a terrible plague that inflates the size of shoulders and belts over time. Our artists like the belts because they have more room for detail when they’re larger. That said, your concern is duly noted.

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I laughed at this, WWE-esque belts are actually getting annoying on Cata, and way overused, Blizz may consider hiring a third artist? (can't believe they actually have more than two artists drawing the armors) Also shoulderpads are getting just ridicolous, being the only part with the helm that you can actually model doesn't mean that the shoulderpad alone must compensate for all the set's flatness.

--- Quote ---Q: Is there any chance we could have caster weapons involved in casting animations? It would look cool to be holding a staff and casting a spell through it, at least as a customization option. - Dromanthis (NA/ANZ)

A: This is something we would dearly love to do. We agree that melee specs get to see their weapons a lot more often in combat while it's easy for casters to forget about them. It's definitely on the list, but understand that we have so many races now (and two sexes for all existing races) that the animations take more time to do right/well.
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Uhm i wonder if WE can actually do this.... i want to know Jack's opinion about this!!

Last Q&A

--- Quote ---Q: Will enchanters be getting back the ability to make wands? - Trustybee (Taiwan)

A: We have been discussing what role in the game wands are supposed to fill. We generally consider it a failure these days if a caster ever wants to wand for dps instead of using their spells. Working the wand into the cast animation (as in the question above) is one idea. In any event, we want to figure out what we want wands to do before we give them any more prominence.
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Nostalgy... so much nostalgy.... when wands were actually used in Vanilla...
Here i want to know your ideas, for me they should be a source of spell power + spell eanchement (like Librams for paladins) that would make them useful and senseful, oh, also a spell on use would be cool!

That's all for now folks!

A wand/staff could have many cool features. Not to big in power but :)

- Spell on it that works like a potion. YOu can isntant cast during combat.
- Give + power to learnd spells in one category. Staff of arcan power.
- Give you a special spell if you equip it.

In my opinion weapons should get more personal. Instead of collection on wand after another and throw it away if you find one with better stats. It would be nice if you find or better create your own master weapon step by step. Means that professions create it for you. First you have receipts for special weapons but you need much stuff for them. These weapons MUST be better then everything you can find through drops.
Then you have to raid to get the materials. After the weapon is made you can upgrade it the same way from the different professions. And for this you also need materials. So you do not raid for new weapons but for the stuff to make them. It will also give the professions more weight.

Ye i totally agree,but so that can be for ALL wepps,like googles in engineering,u can ugrade it,but mats shoud be rly hard to get,like u said raid farming,i like it.

Or even another option that u do Qs to get and upgrade wepp,so whit any proff u can get it,still to do Qs u need items that r hard to get.

You clearly have to make "good" quests to get access to the areas where you have to collect the matts. Also the professions should not get billd but honerd for quest work.

I agree for farming areas but i think it woud be better if u level proffesions normally,like how it is in wow now,but u have to do hard Qs to get good recepies


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