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Back Again

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For those that care: I'm back on the Road.
Current Interest: WMO Tools

If there is anyone doing wmo atm I would like to chat.
If there is any Request for something (updates) i did earlier: Ask here.

so far

ah and btw: the mmoforge svn (including taliis) went down. so if someone still have sources: it would be nice to have.

Hi Tharo, I am working on something at the moment, it has function for loading WMO files, although I'm calling it pyNoggit, it's more like pyWoWMapViewer tbh but it has openGL, it's OOP and it can load and display the whole of stormwind (over 300 wmo) files at about 15fps

I am currently adding alpha WMO support to it although I expect it will be a completely seperate class

If u designed ur classes well you only need to redo 3 chunks. Everything else (that is needed vor visualisation) is almost equal to the v17. I updated the .dev wiki with the needed infomations.

Nice to see u ;)

Cromon has worked some time ago on a WMO-Editor. I think he has used directx. Maybe u can talk to him and take some info ;)


--- Quote from: "gorq" ---Nice to see u ;)

Cromon has worked some time ago on a WMO-Editor. I think he has used directx. Maybe u can talk to him and take some info ;)
--- End quote ---

you mean this?

wasen't that "only" a doodad-set-adder?


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