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Pirates of the Caribbean Online private server creation

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I know nothing about that game. Try asking on that game's reddit page.


--- Quote from: "Gurluas" ---game's reddit page
--- End quote ---
Thanks, I followed your advice and checked that out. Looks like it's a very complex process involving coding, and I am not entirely sure if what I want is achievable at all. I guess I'll just go and cry then.

Everything is achievable. If you have the time to spare and the will power to commit.

I searched for ppl doing private servers for allot of weird games when i was younger, pirates of Caribbean was one of them i think, great game! Great team experience on the boat at least, (not fan of the on land combat) me and my childhood friend that iwe lost contact with now played that game so much!

I remember we took down a lvl 31->~~ Black pearl ship with a lvl 1 boat for about an hour to get it down, we dodge every bullet for 1 hour and used only 1 cannon on each side while my friend stared left and right to release the 3 canons he was able to shoot! That game had aim and team play, a great game that i would love to see going "open source"


--- Quote from: "Officialbasement" ---I searched for ppl doing private servers for allot of weird games when i was younger, pirates of Caribbean was one of them i think, great game! Great team experience on the boat at least, (not fan of the on land combat) me and my childhood friend that iwe lost contact with now played that game so much!

I remember we took down a lvl 31->~~ Black pearl ship with a lvl 1 boat for about an hour to get it down, we dodge every bullet for 1 hour and used only 1 cannon on each side while my friend stared left and right to release the 3 canons he was able to shoot! That game had aim and team play, a great game that i would love to see going "open source"
--- End quote ---

There's someone doing a big remake of the game right now. Google it.
And I'm making a POTC-style wow server


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