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[QUESTION] [WotLk] What Next?


Hey Everyone! I'm not new around here, but I am finally deciding I would like to dip my toes into the water! My name is Sevastion, I am from USA, and I'm glad to finally have a chance to meet everyone!

Sorry to have my first post require you guys to help me =( but im very confused..

I'd like to start making my own realm, and create my own zones... I downloaded a Repack .. [ ... ck-(3-3-5a) ]

But I don't know what to do next in the steps of creating my realm... Could someone give me step by step instructions? (I have Windows 8 if that means anything also)

Sorry if this burdened anyone =( And have a nice day!

Greetings new fellow.

You may want to take at first a look on the starting tutorial to get the basics started.

And the search function may also be useful as many things have been discussed sofar. If not feel free to ask in the corresponding sections.

Good luck

If you would rn your own server productiv you should setup one on your own.
Trinity has a good guide for this. ... tion+Guide

For testing a repack is ok. But you should know how a server works if you want to mod WoW.
In the tutorial is also a server for local testing included.


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