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[QUESTION] Deleted topic

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Yesterday I started a topic and I found out it was deleted (and wasn't noticed that my topic was deleted, by who or for what reason). I would like to know who and why deleted that topic.

The only topic deleted yesterday was deleted by Steff. You may want to contact him if he didn't provide a reason.

Thanks schlumpf.

So, we are not supposed to offer or take payed jobs and/or link to other forums. At least according to Steff. Well, I suppose rules pply to all devs, not just to me (even to those who were doing exactly the same for last months and years over and over), so I thought you would just like to know wth is going on here on this currently kinda butthurt and spineless forum, where probably no longer is important what members want to do, but what owner allows them to present here.

With all respect to Steff, this is not anything I like to see or anything I would like to just keep to myself.

If I posted my whole post here and added just a link to it on MC-Net, noone would fucking care. But because I placed main post on MC-Net and placed here just a disclaimer and link, my post is apparently supposed to be deleted, because Steff says: "becaus i dont like work for pay posts and delete them if i see them. also we are no link board.". No Steff, you are just butthurt that I chose Modcraft for my particular project as "just a secondary forum" and hiding this behind your excuse is rather pathetic when I see how many links to some other forums are around or how many payed positions are proposed here (dozens). Once again, its pathetic, its lie, spineless butthurt lie and arrogant, ignorant thing you are just doing here, which doesn't help anyone, it just makes things more difficult and complicated. Its putting your own desires in front of desires of the community. And Modcraft is its community, not you. And no matter how long you are here or what have you done. You are not alone here.

I  congratulate Steff, Milly or whatever it wants to be smaller now, and Skarn to successfully splitting and fucking over the whole community. Well fucking done.

Steff, get over the fact you don't have the time and capability to do everything alone. Accept help, and realize that people have helped you, a lot. I managed modcraft for a damn long time while you did nothing but be the great master behind the scenes, everyone looks up to and sees as the only responsible person. In the whole thing of Skarn an milly offering help, you never even contacted me.

Skarn, milly, duck you guys. If helping a community to fix the issues is done by splitting it, and private messaging people on the existing one to join your great new community, you succeeded. I know the rules didn't say shit about big messaging people about your new thing. That's fucking common manners.  Hint: it helped fucking nobody. Splitting a group will never lead to a higher truth. The content of your sure is exactly the same. All additional things you have is a gallery for screenshots. Was this worth the drama and negative effects? Oh yeah, and a shoutbox, right. The whole thing didn't advance. People still do they and old shit.

I'm just sick of this. It has helped nobody and destroyed all the community things we had by splitting things up at badly defined borders with 90% of talking behind people's backs and talking shit about them.

Have fun with your community on people half-posting to either sides with there being an ongoing war. I don't want to be part of this anymore. On a side note, the wiki, while mcnet links to it as if it was their own, and steff wanted to integrate it into modcraft, will stay neutral.

If you want a drama free community, start working together and don't try to convince people that your penis is bigger than the other dictator's. It just doesn't help.

</drunk rant>


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