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What tools would help you develop?

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I was wondering what tools or things you would like automated to aid in your development process making content.

Things like going DBC <-> MySQL, doing data processing/transforming scripts, website scripts, and such. I can't really contribute to projects like Neo because I don't know about how 3d graphics and OpenGL works, and don't really want to spend so long learning it at this point in time, but I can automate manual tasks that are time consuming and help speed up development processes.

"Visual" DBC editor, something like your awesome tool for Spells but for other DBCs. Plugins for M2 models for some 3D software.,


--- Quote from: "stoneharry" ---I was wondering what tools or things you would like automated to aid in your development process making content.

Things like going DBC <-> MySQL, doing data processing/transforming scripts, website scripts, and such. I can't really contribute to projects like Neo because I don't know about how 3d graphics and OpenGL works, and don't really want to spend so long learning it at this point in time, but I can automate manual tasks that are time consuming and help speed up development processes.
--- End quote ---

DBC, and if you can DB2 and DB5, DB2 is exactly like DBC but 7 more column in the header, DB5 is.... more complicated

A spell editor for Cata would help A LOT.
Also, a WMO editor, since Cromon's isn't supported anymore.

.phys file maker


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