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Messages - MisTeRPiixeL

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / Re: [MEMBER] Presenting and doubt
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:56:29 pm »
Oh, thanks for the warm welcome jejeje :D.
As for what you have explained to me, I have to admit that I didn't know that could ports models that weren't in the Beta. In any case, I'm going to download the newest version of MoP and I try that.
Greetings and again thanks for your help :D.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [MEMBER] Presenting and doubt
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:03:48 pm »
So are you mean that I can run any version of MoP with WMV?
If someone could show me a thread where I can resolve my doubts, would be helpful, since I'm Spanish and I understand a little of english  :| ...
Greetings and thanks in advance.

Modelling and Animation / [MEMBER] Presenting and doubt
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:31:02 pm »
Hi dear ModCraft users. In first place, I want to release who I am.
My realname is Joaquín, but everybody in internet know me as MisTeRPiiXeL. I started playing World of Warcraft around 6 and half years (around the launch of The Burning Crusade expansion). I was a GM for the first time about 4 years, and I began to introduce myself in the WoWModelling art around about 3 years. My first achievement as customer had to do with the management of the databases, creating a portal totally custom (was simple, but it`s a start  :lol:).
Today, my skills as customer are more advanced, but still I have desire of learn, and I know that I have enought to have a full control of WoWModelling, that's why I came here.

That said, I throw my question.
My purpose is port MoP models to WotLK. In first place, I downloaded the Beta version of MoP (or at least I think, since I can't run it and check the version...). My problem starts when I try to run the Beta in WoW Model Viewer. At the time that I try to run WoW Model Viewer reading the MPQs of the Beta, a error window says me:
Fatal Error: Could not read data from MPQ files. Please make sure World of Warcraft is not running.
I've tried to do all that was in my hand, I uninstalled and reinstalled WMV, I re-downloaded the Beta (by Torrent), I've even played some WMV settings, but apparently still not read it.
Has anyone ever had the same problem? Does anyone know how I could fix it?
I will look at the thread if need more information and even pictures to help me.
A greeting and thank you very much.
eNerV Gaming

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