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Messages - TheObscure

Pages: [1]
Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] About porting maps to Cata
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:52:51 am »
Thanks guys for answering my questions ^^

However, I would like to ask one last thing. What are the things that is not possible to mod in WoW? Like hardcoded stuff like the game engine etc.?


Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] About porting maps to Cata
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:08:12 am »
Wow, that really gave me quite some motivation to start doing a wow mod. :D

Also, is it possible to edit the minimap texture, or at least make an entirely different one for a new zone? Because I've played on many custom areas of different servers and mods, and none had minimap textures for the new areas added. :/

Level Design / [QUESTION] About porting maps to Cata
« on: August 03, 2014, 09:35:49 am »
Is it possible to port the entire 3.3.5 kalimdor and eastern kingdoms to cata?

And would it be possible to port the minimap and world map textures too?

So I guess that means that no one has the custom mpq files and stuff to get the game client up and running?

I'm just interested in seeing how all the new areas looked like, since my desired expansion idea is basically everything that this mod was. :(

Nooooo! :(

I'm a new guy here, basically just registered to post on this thread, so that is why I'm so behind lol. And the fact that I can't see in which year all the comments and stuff are posted, makes it impossible to know when all things happened. Anyways, is the custom game client still available to download somewhere?

Is this still in development? :cry:

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