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Messages - f0x

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] [DATABASE] [LIVE MOP - 5.1]
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:04:57 am »
Thanks so much for the definition; will definitely help when I tighten up the data types later on.

Do you perhaps know why there is inconsistencies in the items-sparse file regarding missing items that are listed in item.db2 and in game but no detail in sparse file?

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] [DATABASE] [LIVE MOP - 5.1]
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:45:41 pm »
Would appreciate it a lot, schlumpf - thank you.

Would you have any insight on the other questions or perhaps direct me to somewhere/someone that might know?


Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] [DATABASE] [LIVE MOP - 5.1]
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:37:04 pm »
Thanks for the reply - these are the current definitions that i'm using and seem to be correct;

Just wanted to know how these are extracted so that I can keep my definitions up to date as updates occur to the structure and of course the rest of the questions such as how its built etc.

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] [DATABASE] [LIVE MOP - 5.1]
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:27:13 am »
Hi there  :)

I was wondering if someone would be willing to share some insight into the workings of the item.db2 and item-sparse.db2 files on live production WoW.

First my end goal is to have a complete list of all items in game eventually mapping out to displaydetails, item sets etc.

My issue though is currently my item.db2 file contains entries that have no direct mapping to item-sparse, which of course you know contains item details that one would need.

I'm looking at item2.db inside of patch-enGB-16357.MPQ for item.db2 and item-sparse.db2 as they seem to contain much more info that than the db2 files contained in misc.mpq.

So I guess my question is rather why don't all the items in item.db2 have a detail row in the sparse file even though the item is in game for sure?

Am I missing something about how this file is built? Do I have to see the item in game for it to actually update the sparse db2 file?

Another thing I was wondering is how do people build the definitions for these files, and how can I ensure that my definition of the columns is valid.



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