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Messages - nitrolord

Pages: [1]
« on: February 01, 2011, 03:21:50 am »
ok i ran it in admin mode and it finly fired up but still crashes every so often.  but thats not a big deal at the moment.  my biggest concern is the MAJOR LAG.  i have a decent pc but im only gettin from 1.00 fps to 2.50 fps  witch makes it impossible to do anythang.  pleas help thank you.

« on: February 01, 2011, 02:41:22 am »
ya i dont get it ether i did every thang u sead but it still dussent work.  but the very first time i started it without changing a thang it worked but after i closed it and tride to re open it thats wene it wouldent work no more.  and it hassent worked sence.  i tried to re-unzip it but still dident work.  and yer -c did nuthing i clicked the shortcut and the window opend and closed real fast and thats it.

can u post exatly how the configure file is soposed to look and tell me were the noggit folder is soposed to be pleas.  thank you.

cuz this is driven me  :udumb:

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