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Messages - Painkiller300

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: I cannot solve crash on startup issue, I'm about to give
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:43:54 am »
After messing around with the config to be Exactly the same as your (at least as close as i could) I'm sure it's not your noggit config file.
What i tested:
If the # signs are needed by the direction lines. (didn't seem to matter for me)
if having a  after log.txt is a problem. (it's not but it might prevent  you from using M2 and WMO import from model viewer)

What I think might be the problem is all that extra stuff you put in the wow folder.
Have you tried placing  Noggit, Modelviewer7 and all the other stuff in it's own folder?

I really suggest following and trying to keep a folder setup as close to this thread as possible.

and don't worry it doesn't quite add up to 70gb (mine personally is only about 37gb) The majory of the size being wow it's self.

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