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Author Topic: Recruitment  (Read 3013 times)


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« on: April 11, 2016, 07:03:12 pm »


1 How to apply ?

To apply, you simply have to fill the form here.

2 Primary positions

2.1 Gameplay developer (server side - C++)

Work and improve the main gameplay systems.
Examples :
  • Player looting.
  • Hide player names, guild tags, and other informations (server side).
  • YHOOL bank (account linked bank).
It requires a lot of experience with C++.

2.2 PVE developer (server side - C++)

Imagine, balance and program simple to midly complex boss encounters.
Examples :
  • Solo player bosses (few) - may depends on the class.
  • 5-15 players bosses.
  • 40 players bosses (few).
  • Adapt low level dungeon bosses to level 80.
It requires creativity, good WOW knowledge and good C++ knowledge (though less than a gameplay developer).

2.3 Gameplay developer (client side - Lua, C++)

Work and improve the main gameplay systems.
Examples :
  • Hide player names, guild tags, and other informations (client side).
  • Tweak interface for our custom features.
  • Create custom addons to fit the server side work (more infos in private).
  • Block specific Lua functions (used by addons).
It requires very good knowledge of Lua, XML, C++ and eventually hex editing.

2.4 Web developer

Work on the website and forum backend.
Examples :
  • Rewrite the entire website using a widespread framework (for easier maintenance).
  • Program classic stuff such as registering, backoffice, votepoints system etc...
  • Add new systems linked to ingame stuff (showing characters’ names on the forum account for example).
  • Work on a myBB custom module.
It requires PHP, JS, JQuery, HTML, CSS.

3 Which kind of profiles are required for Y.H.O.O.L. ?

This project has the potential to become a real revolutionary game as it happened with DayZ but it is very complex to achieve. That’s why most people won’t fit.

3.1 Ambitious

I’m looking for ambitious people, those who have no more time to waste and who are eager to accomplish something. It’s a serious project.

3.2 Self-learner

Y.H.O.O.L. needs self-learning programmers because what we work on is original and, sadly, can’t be learnt with a tutorial. It requires you to have a pioneer mindset.

3.3 Dedicated/motivated

Y.H.O.O.L. is a long term project, so if you want to join, keep that in mind. If you’re looking to spend 1 month on something because you’re bored with your life, don’t apply.
It also requires to have some free time at your disposal.

3.4 Experienced/serious

I’m looking for experienced people who know themselves, those who know what they can do or cannot, those who know their qualities but also their weaknesses, and those who are confident in their capabilities.

Much more information about recruitment here.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 06:31:13 pm by Admin »


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Re: Recruitment
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 11:59:52 am »
Quote from: "Barbz"
  • Hide player names, guild tags, and other informations (server side).
  • Solo player bosses (few) - may depends on the class.
  • 5-15 players bosses.
  • 40 players bosses (few).
  • Adapt low level dungeon bosses to level 80
  • Tweak interface for our custom features.
  • Create custom addons to fit the server side work (more infos in private).
  • Block specific Lua functions (used by addons)
I would like to mention that you have for almost every single requirement mentionet abowe talked about C++ and server side but actualy this all can be done my LUA editing and M2 edits - and about PVE system just use SmartAI in DB because touching C++ in core is last thing you would like to do on private server in order to provide stability - only because you understand C++ doesnt makes you understand WoW and i have seen at least 5 servers that had to reinstall whole core only because someone played around with C++ in core

- Just avoid using it as much as possible -

PS: eventualy if you want help with smth you can ask me on skype "Qweasr5" i dont want to build this server for you since im not interested about modding anymore as much as last years so dont expect me to do so but if you want my tips eventualy examples and ways how to do it just ask im free to share knowleadge - i would like to start playing WoW onj your server again so you have my full support
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: Recruitment
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2016, 06:26:26 pm »
Thanks, I will remember it.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »