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Messages - Symi

Pages: [1]
I'm not trying to remove the model or anything, just change the set of it. I want it to be blank of blizzard spawned objects like the fountains, trees and random boxes. If you press "1" it becomes this...I'm not sure I understand your suggestions on how to make that save or if my original question was understood at all.

My apologies, I really am new at this.

Edit: With the suggestion of editing all the adt's in the area, I have gotten it to save to noggit but when I turn it into a patch, it won't show up in-game.

So, I managed to get it to save as the blank model in noggit but I can't seem to get it to transfer from noggit to a patch. When I log in game, Stormwind is still the same.

It -was- saving in noggit...and now it's back to being the other model of Stormwind. Frusterating! I can't get it to save again or turn into a patch. ._.

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