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Topics - Corny

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Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] General chat
« on: May 05, 2013, 09:53:03 pm »
i was wondering. We are creating some new location on our server and it's right on the edge of one location, specifically Westfall (We had some reasons not to create whole new one, anyway it's quite late now to abort everything and start from scratch). Later, we realized, that one of our cities is on the border between westfall and elwynn and therefore our general chat changes from westfall to elwynn in the middle of town, and it's not reeeealy that ideal for us, as you can tell.
So is there any way to fix this? I recall that i tried making Westfall area larger within Noggit, but it didn't seem to work. But maybe i did something wrong, i am not that experienced at this, so i hope some of you with bigger Mod-brain will know something helpfull. As i said, i have no clear idea how to make this work somehow, maybe creating  new chat for whole server and forcing players to join at the start, but again, my knowledge is very limited there (well...mostly none would be better way to put it).
I will be very greatfull for any help or Idea and i will sacrifice a goat to all chaos gods to bring you good fortune for that (or eternal suffering, your pick).
Thanks again.

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