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Projects => Software Development => FuTa => Topic started by: Jøk3r on April 03, 2012, 03:02:58 pm

Title: [TUTORIAL] How to use FuTa
Post by: Jøk3r on April 03, 2012, 03:02:58 pm
As the title says a tutorial on how to use FuTa will follow. (I won't explain how to create alphamaps)

1. Settings
The settings are pretty easy to understand.

For the alphamaps you can chosse between colored and grayscale mode (Setings -> Alphamaps -> Format. If you choose colored mod you can set the color to every color you want. (Settings -> Alphamaps -> set color).
As far as i know, Grayscales have more details but you can choose want you want!

2. Alphamaps

Here you can choose three layers (Layer 1-3). This part is also pretty easy.
At the bottom you have two buttons: Export and Import.

The export-button is used to export the three alphamaps to png-files. These will be located one outside of the folder you have FuTa in
(for example: FuTa is located here: "C:UsersNameDekstopFuTa". If you hit export the pngs will be located in "C:UsersNameDesktop")

The import-button is used to import alphamaps. For me it only works if the backround is transparent. If it is not transparent i got just a green (or what color is set) display of the alphamap). BUT you can try to use a alphamap with a non transparent background because as Steff said, it works for him with such alphamaps.

Edit1: if u choose grayscale the "gray value" (black - white) of the pixels is taken then u r alphamaps ARE NOT transparent and do not have color

         if u choose colored the alpha value of the pixels is taken and ur alphamaps have to be transparent were no textures should be....the color doesent matter at all

3. Layer Settings

Here you can switch the textures for the four possible layers. But you can only choose between the used textures which are already used on the opened adt.

Texture Flag:
I currently not know what this is used for. Sorry.

Ground effect ID:
Here you can enter any ground effect ID.This will effect the layer (texture) you have selected.

Texture Path:
Here are all textures listed which are already used on the adt.

Be sure to hit apply after you changed any settings for the layers!

4. Heightmaps

To display the heightmap you have to check "show in 3D" (Settings -> Heightmap -> show in 3D)
If you checked it, you can see the heightmap of your opened adt.

At the bottom are again the two buttons for exporting and importing. They do pretty much the same things for the heightmap as for the alphamaps but the heightmaps will be saved - when you eyport them -  in the folder in which your adt is also located.
(For example: If you adt is located in "C:UsersNameDesktopworldmapscustomap" it will be located in the same folder but will be named "custommap_x_y.height.)
(this doesn't depend on the heightmap settings)

5. Water

Sofar i didn't used these function but I assume you can export/import water settings..^^
The file you export will have the fileending ".mh2o". It will be saved the same way your heightmap will be saved.

I hope the tutorial will be understood. It's my first tutorial D:
If you find any mistakes or something like that, feel free to post them and i will correct them.
And if I have made some mistakes with spelling or grammar please forgive me, I'm from Germany^^

AND: Hanfer, i hope you will like this :'D
Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] How to use FuTa
Post by: Hanfer on April 03, 2012, 03:16:25 pm
Yes i really like this :D
im glad someone of u did this because u have got always an different view as coder...

if u choose grayscale the "gray value" (black - white) of the pixels is taken then u r alphamaps ARE NOT transparent and do not have color

if u choose colored the alpha value of the pixels is taken and ur alphamaps have to be transparent were no textures should be....the color doesent matter at all
Title: Re: [TUTORIAL] How to use FuTa
Post by: Jøk3r on April 03, 2012, 03:20:23 pm
Thanks for the answer! :D

I added your improvements.