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Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] [BUG] Custom Races Crash on Mounting?
« on: May 14, 2013, 02:09:45 am »
Hello modcraft community! I have been working with WoW modding for about a year now, and up until this point I hadn't encountered an issue that I couldn't resolve with my own resources. Hopefully someone on this board can provide me some insight to my problem.

I am having an issue where every time I mount or use a flight point on my custom race Tuskarr, Skeleton, and Ogre it crashes my server. I am running on Trinitycore, the latest rev. I can provide any of the code if someone would be willing to review my work, but I'll refrain from posting excess junk in case someone knows what might cause this.

Oddly enough, I have 4 other races High Elf, Broken, Naga, and Forest troll whom are able to mount and use flight points without issue.

I suppose my question is what would cause this to happen?

Any guidance would be appreciated!

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