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Messages - westtunger

Pages: [1]
Yep, done. I gave the gt dbc's in the first post.

The crash happen in any tab of the character frame, not only where the stats are shown, even if the stats are hiden.

Np, i've modified every dbc's relative to class, for talent tree it's dbc too.

If i find from where come the crash, it'll be cool, but there's nothing in characterframe.lua, and paperdoll.lua(caracteristic tab) is modified ( but i don't think this file can cause crash ).

Edit : My class have the id 2, like paladin, so skillraceclassinfo.dbc is fill for this one.

So, i've modified the file to fit with my class, but it still crash with the same error.

The server doesn't show any error btw, so i don't think it's a server problem, that should come from a dbc/lua files, and i'm sure to have fill all the dbc, so ...

I'm searching in the lua files, but actually don't find anything usefull.

edit : further research conclude that it's the complete character frame who have problems, even the skill tab cause crash with the same error.

edit3 : i've find for the skill of the player, chrBaseInfo.dbc, my previous fix cause problem, well i'll found an other way, but even with skill the client still crash on any character frame.

Edit : Ok, in fact the tab crash, with the stats hided or not.

Re-edit : Maybe i should learn to read a message completely ...

I'm looking in paperdollframe.lua, there is some interseting things, ii'll make test and come back after.

Thanks you for your answer =)

Bump, still have this problem, this is very annoying =/

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION:WotlK] Charbaseinfo.dbc number of row.
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:20:49 pm »
This part of the problem is solved, the other part is on the first message.

Hi everyone !

I've a problem, crash on the character information tab ingame with the most part of my custom class.

I've fill my dbc files / database, but still have crash, so i need your help :

ps : The working class are the 1/4 and 7 one, the other i've tested crash, all my class from 1-20 are custom

Thanking you in advance, westtunger =)

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