Forum > Tutorials

[HINT]How I personally use M2Mod4 -May be helpful for others

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Rework it Correcty there is no other way ...
you are doing something wrong

This is a little model ( i think is was 30 min to make the parts) and i reworked this easly.

But i noticed something : The m2mod works ( no crash) if i delete some parts in my model, because m2mod does not work with all of them (model parts).

What can i do this model parts?


--- Quote from: "Alastor" ---So ...........Tell me again do i have to read what is he tring to tell us ... or can i reply instantly
--- End quote ---
My mistake, sorry, you had typed:

The Int32 threw me off, Which i've only used in blender's py settings.

--- Quote from: "ladiszlai" ---What can i do this model parts?
--- End quote ---
Have you thought of just uploading your files?

i would recomned you to use lastest version of m2redux and try ask someone to assis you via remote desktop or share screen or something similiar since in m2reduxis soo many ways how to fail ... we cant tell you what you are doing wrong

As per request of ladiszlai , I'll make the video I made for him public incase it can help others.



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