Forum > Tutorials

[TUTORIAL] Converting Animated Models.

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Sigh, noob question, but how come I can't open my .mdx in blender? The first step speaks about exporting the model to wavefront .obj from a 3D modeling tool, but I can't even do that? o.0

Er. After some googling it seems I need to convert the file into a .3ds to make it work. I'll look around and see if I can get answers. I'd appreciate help though! Thanks!

EDIT* On second thought, I don't think this tutorial will help me with what Im' trying to do. I think the .mdx from WC3 and the .mdx from WoW Alpha are too different to be able to convert them both the same way.

(Blender) --> OBJ/3DS --> MDX --> MDL --> (MDLVIS) --> MDL --> MDX --> M2

I have a .mdx though, not a .obj ?

Thanks for the tutorial phucko1.

Do you know something about attachments?
I'm trying to add attachments to my custom model but I can't make weapon appear.


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