Forum > Tutorials

[VIDEO] Manually Light Up A Custom WMO with 010 Editor


This is for people who already know how to insert in custom wmos into Wow. for those that don't, look over at Met@'s tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8756

Some people had asked for a guide on how I did the light thing on my previous WMO Video( ),  So I figured I'd make it anyway, as hard to understand and badly explained as it may be. It only takes 1-2 minutes normally, but when starting out, it can take a little bit longer.

This is mainly for people who enjoy seeing and tinkering with the hex data of a file, otherwise move along!! XD


010 Editor Download for those that don't have it:

For anyone that wants to try to follow the idea at the end with the Pandaren house portal and don't have MoP Installed or have the 010 Templates, download the wmo used and templates here:
(if the link is down, let me know)

If anyone wants the textures I had used on the model I made, I got them from:
♠ ... ures-2.jpg
♠ ... 544781.jpg
♠ ... adowh3.jpg
♠ ... of_DIF.png

For easy editing of flags you can use those templates for wmo:
BTW I maded some custom portlas for my model. Sometimes it works perfect and sometimes it's not. Maybe I record a video about everything I know about wmo's after my exams at university. For you thing about flickering it may be caused by that you just copy portals from blizz model and portal size didn't match to yours entrance.
Also If I remember you made a vid abot how to make you wmo's to be like transport(I mean that bug when you leave youre transport than you still moved with it) about MCPV chunk. Still don't know how to interpret this info in  3d software so you're welcom to investigate this.  :D Really didn't know what the hell if convex volume planes.
About MOCV chunk: I making the same things as you before I got export vertex color script to work. But for example I changed some vertex colors to another color manually(check vertex Id in blender and then change the color in 010.
And finally about outdoors and indoors batches in group header: when you set youre group as indoor and didn't set batches as indoor then you group will be visible from outside even without portals. But if you set youre group as indoors and set batches as indoors too then from outdoors you group will be invisible from outdoor until you get into this group. here is a pic(those brushes are used as markers where I get entrance to my wmo group):
Also don't forget about changing the flags in MOGI chunk of root wmo. Yours minimap not become full black (if you didn't set the path in file of minimaps(the one that used for adts too)) or didn't change to your indoor minimap(if you set this path) if you didn't change both flags of Root(MOGI chunk) and group(MOHD chunk) wmo files.

It would be lovely if you could do tutorial on portals. :D

Minimaps are not important right now therefore there is no reason to waste time looking into it. The reason why I copied blizzard's portal for now, it's the same reason why I can't take time to learn blender properly right now, because I can't afford to sit down and study it while doing nothing. If I sit down and study it, work does not get done, no work means other problems will arise because of it.

--- Quote from: "Supora" ---when you set youre group as indoor and didn't set batches as indoor then you group will be visible from outside even without portals. But if you set youre group as indoors and set batches as indoors too then from outdoors you group will be invisible from outdoor until you get into this group..
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure what you mean by this, if you are referring to how I take out the outdoor flag on 0x1C, I do that to avoid mixing environmental lighting with indoor lighting, doing the mix yields a very bright surface that I do not like because it also mixes the over world environment lighting color.

If you are referring to MOBA stacks, I haven't looked into what is in there yet. I do Wow stuff maybe one day a week now for the last few months.  I still talk to people but I do not do any study because of jobs that must be completed for deadline. Is very stressful sometime hehehe.  I wish I had more time to do this stuff like I used to. For today I'm just trying to push out vlogs and tutorials of things, and maybe next week I will be able to study again. :D


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