Forum > Tutorials

[TUTORIAL] Resize UVmap of HD models faster with MultiEdit

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Hi guys, today I'll show you something to get faster when you are working on the UV map of the HD models. As inicio has did with his script in photoshop, I'll give you a tip to save time in blender.

With the help of the MultiEdit addon. I didn't checked if there's a release for Blender versions under 2.7, but you can see the topic of this addon on this forum.

- Blender 2.73
- MultiEdit 2 (I use the version 2, but there's already a version 5)


It's really simple, this addon allows you to edit multiple meshes in the same time without merge them. You just have to select the meshes, enter in the multi-edition, modify what you want, and exit the multi-edition.

Here's the process in video.


Good job all.

Huh iv been already trying that Addon but 1st version that i get facked up totaly 1/3 of hairstyles so i gived up at those seems your version is working well ... chrm ... nice

In my case, the UV of the hairs are already good when I convert the model in m2i, I just have to do the skin and the tabard.

Nice! With all these tutorials this community will finally reach the "hd character retro-porting mastery" :D

I don't know if it's the best place to ask this question, but :

Why are some parts (like teeths, mouth..) not properly placed at first ?
They are well placed before the resizing, right ? So we should be able to make precisely the same transformation and the UV should be perfectly placed. It's just 2D scaling and translation, what is so weird about it ?


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