Forum > Random

Pirates of the Caribbean Online private server creation

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I know Modcraft is not the best website to post this, since it's only about WoW, but it's the most active website about modding I know of (ownedcore is not active at all).
Basically, there is a number of private POTCO servers, and I'd like to know if I could make one myself. If yes, then could someone, please, explain briefly how it's done, or share a link to a tutorial?
Thanks in advance.

Anyone? Please, it's really important to me.

You come with quite unusual question about something what is not in main interrest of this forum's comunity and want to get answer in 12 hours :D? Be a little bit patient, maybe you will find someone here, but not so quickly.


--- Quote from: "Amaroth" ---You come with quite unusual question about something what is not in main interrest of this forum's comunity and want to get answer in 12 hours :D? Be a little bit patient, maybe you will find someone here, but not so quickly.
--- End quote ---

I'll try. Thanks for an answer btw)

Come on guys, anyone?


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