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Author Topic: Looking For: ZONE MAKERS  (Read 992 times)


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Looking For: ZONE MAKERS
« on: July 22, 2017, 07:40:46 am »
Hello, everyone!

I'm in need of a few developers who can create new zones from scratch.

Specifically, I need the following:
Race/Class Specific Starting Quest Zones
  • A simple zone that allows a storyline to take place through questing.
    This would contain fields for mobs, roads, water, mini-zones within the zone (like buildings with campfires, etc...). Nothing too complicated.
  • Something like 'Ragefire Chasm'.
    I'd like good texture-use, be able to add a specific color scheme used to create a good environmental theme to the dungeon, something that is easy for the player to flow through. This way players don't get lost, which again, something not too complicated, but can show design.
Overall, I'm looking for good quality. I can understand certain limitations due to the client (3.3.5 WoTLK) & program usages... Not everything is 100% possible, no worries. But please, no choppy work. Keep it professional! :)

Interested? Don't hesitate! Feel free to contact me through Skype | My Skype: Waseem9116
Even if you feel like you may not qualify entirely, I'm looking to form a group of world builders.
You may have what it takes! You won't know till you try. ;)