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Messages - Draeinor

Pages: [1] 2
Noggit / Re: Problem with textures and lines
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:07:12 pm »
Thank you. I did new island in azeroth. Lines are ok, but still have problem with texture. One texture is just green, like in emerald dream.

Reznik fixed me it. I won't use westfall and elwynn textures anymore.

Noggit / Re: Problem with textures and lines
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:21:41 pm »
Lines: "Raise/Lower" Tool. Set Speed to 0, Radius to whatever you want. Go once over the whole ADT. Save. Lines should be fixed.

Doesn't work :( I set Raise/lower speed to 0 and then save every adt like "save current".
And rest helps I don't know how to do.

Noggit / Problem with textures and lines
« on: February 05, 2013, 10:45:12 pm »
Hello, I did normal land in qa_dvd, water around, but island has got crazy textures and everywhere you can see lines. Can you help me please?

Noggit / Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:21:41 pm »
I would like to use the opportunity. My textures are crazy. In noggit I can see it normal, but in world (qa_dvd) it's green like in Emerald Dream.

Noggit / Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:15:11 pm »
Nice, thanks you. I tested it before, but it wasn't working. Now i changed it i DSL1.2. Didn't work, but i read log and saw that problem is some patchs in "Data" what I did . Thanks for your help :)

Noggit / Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 12:42:08 pm »
Config name is: noggit.config
In config is:
Path = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a

ProjectPath = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWNoggitProjekty

ImportFile  = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWWMV_Binary_v0701_r252_Win32_DevWorkImport


ProjectPath = sure way to wow folder?
+I deleted older versions. Now I have only SDL 1.2
I looked in "security"  and there is full controll and when I run it as admin it still doesn't work.

7 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - SDL 1.2
1042 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 3.3.0
1042 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
1042 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2

Noggit / Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 12:06:09 pm »
I read manual, but i just copied way. So i did mistake. I don't know what's wrong, that's why i write it here.

Noggit / Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:46:30 am »
Yes, but it was locked. I'm sorry.
It still isn't working.

Noggit / Re Re: Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:42:22 am »
All of them have the same mistake. You'll find that using '' can be very useful...
You mean in config? I edited it to:
Path = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a
ProjectPath = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWNoggitProjekty
ImportFile  = C:UsersAdamDesktopKWoWWMV_Binary_v0701_r252_Win32_DevWorkImport

Still isn't working.

Noggit / Need help with Noggit 120
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:14:23 am »
Hello, I have Noggit 120 and Noggit SDL1.2
I have Win7 32b
I can't run Noggit.

Noggit 120
Log and Config

Noggit SDL1.2
Log and config

Noggit SDL3
Log and config

When I run noggit it automatically shut down.
Thank you for helping and sorry for my english. :)

Noggit / Re: Spawning wmos from import list-->error
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:16:50 pm »
Ok, my skype is: kristian.flek ;) I will send it to you.
PS. I am goint to sleep, so I can send it to you tommorow.

Noggit / Re: Spawning wmos from import list-->error
« on: April 02, 2012, 04:34:15 pm »
I was working for two days on one patch. I did patch and then went to wow. There were textures bad. Not as in noggit. It's looking terrible, so i decided to stop with that. And also with wow. I don't want to waste a time with wow anymore :shock:  Thanks for helping :) bye
PS. sorry for my english, I am 14 years old.

Noggit / Re: Spawning wmos from import list-->error
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:44:56 pm »
Spawn any wmo = instant close noggit.

Noggit / Re: Spawning wmos from import list-->error
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:19:17 pm »
And, isn't it in my log?
6 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - 3.0
819 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 2.1.0 - Build
819 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: Intel
819 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
820 - (Noggit.cpp:87): Using config file.
820 - (Noggit.cpp:257): Game path: C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a
820 - (Noggit.cpp:261): Project path: C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a
821 - (Noggit.cpp:302): Locale: enGB
872 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/common.MPQ
910 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/common-2.MPQ
922 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/expansion.MPQ
936 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/lichking.MPQ
964 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch.MPQ
973 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch-2.MPQ
976 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch-3.MPQ
977 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch-5.MPQ
981 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch-h.MPQ
983 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/patch-q.MPQ
991 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/locale-enGB.MPQ
992 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/expansion-locale-enGB.MPQ
993 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/lichking-locale-enGB.MPQ
997 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/patch-enGB.MPQ
1000 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/patch-enGB-2.MPQ
1003 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:UsersKDesktopWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5aData/enGB/patch-enGB-3.MPQ
1920 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc"
2432 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientMap.dbc"
2433 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc"
2435 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLight.dbc"
2578 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc"
2771 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc"
3293 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc"
3447 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc"
3899 - (MPQ.cpp:89): [Debug] Completed listfile loading.
3900 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc"
3931 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc"
3933 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc"
3961 - (Noggit.cpp:407): [Debug] Creating Menu
4022 - (World.cpp:152): World 451: development has no WDT file!
4060 - (World.cpp:152): World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
4060 - (World.cpp:152): World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
4062 - (World.cpp:152): World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
4063 - (World.cpp:152): World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
4064 - (World.cpp:152): World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
4075 - (World.cpp:152): World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
4075 - (World.cpp:152): World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
4075 - (World.cpp:152): World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
4076 - (World.cpp:152): World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
4079 - (World.cpp:152): World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
4079 - (World.cpp:152): World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
4079 - (World.cpp:152): World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
4079 - (World.cpp:152): World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
4082 - (World.cpp:152): World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
4082 - (World.cpp:152): World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
4083 - (World.cpp:152): World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
4087 - (World.cpp:152): World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
4087 - (World.cpp:152): World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
4087 - (World.cpp:152): World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
4087 - (World.cpp:152): World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
4087 - (World.cpp:152): World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
4193 - (Noggit.cpp:411): [Debug] Entering Main Loop
5553 - (Video.cpp:133): [Debug] resize(1366, 706);
9654 - (World.cpp:240): [Debug] Loading world "QA_DVD".
12096 - (FreeType.cpp:246): [Error] Invalid UTF8 in string "127: elwynnfootbridge.mdx¨"
12098 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_mainmenuui_mainmenu.m2".
12148 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 30, 25 ("WorldMapsQA_DVDQA_DVD_30_25.adt") from disk.
12342 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 30,25.
12348 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 31, 25 ("WorldMapsQA_DVDQA_DVD_31_25.adt") from disk.
12564 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 31,25.
12568 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 30, 26 ("WorldMapsQA_DVDQA_DVD_30_26.adt") from disk.
12862 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 30,26.
12869 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 31, 26 ("WorldMapsQA_DVDQA_DVD_31_26.adt") from disk.
13140 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 31,26.
31262 - (MapView.cpp:418): [Debug] 104-Import.txt
31662 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGSEGV"
"Invalid storage access; most frequently caused by attempting to store some value in an object pointed to by a bad pointer. (Segment violation.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

31676 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.1.7600 () 0x300-0x1
32057 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0036697C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
32057 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 00338E47 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
32058 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 72CFB907 (MSVCR100): (filename not available): XcptFilter
32058 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0036D7FB (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
32058 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 7691339A (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
32058 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 776C9EF2 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
32058 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 776C9EC5 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain

Noggit / Re: Spawning wmos from import list-->error
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:14:42 pm »
Ok, thanks :cry:

Pages: [1] 2