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Topics - shadowloud

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Character texture
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:25:05 pm »

I am starting with model editing. Right now I am attempting to add a new race to my server. I guess I could either swap an existing model or attempt to add a new race model into 'character' folder.

I tried both ways, but I encounter the same issue everytime : my model does not get textured. If I add a brand new folder, the model will be all black and textures wont load. If I swap an existing race, it will remain with the textures of the old race. For example, I get a light skinned draenei with blood elves eyes.

Here is how I basically proceed :

1. I unpack files from Common.MPQ and Common-2.MPQ
2. I rename the folder I want to swap or create a new one
3. I paste the files from the base race into new folder (I'm attempting to use native BE models, but wish to change face selection range in order to pick high elves eyes)
4. I rename the files
5. I pack everything in new MPQ file......

Unfortunately, I am unable to upload my MPQ file due to forum restriction, but perhaps can you tell me what I have done wrong or perhaps can you link me a good tutorial for this, because those I found did not render expected results. There might be something I have done wrong, I'm not sure. Or perhaps is there a change I NEED to do with DBC?

Also, my apologize, I am aware this probably seem like a very very noobfriendly question and its so obvious that I should have found out already, but I spent few hours trying to figure already. Now I'm trying to ask for support. Model editing support is usually hard to find.

Noggit / [SOLVED] [QUESTION] Clearing textures
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:44:46 pm »

I recently started to use noggit. Everything seems to work fine except one thing. I really can't figure out how to clear textures from a chunk. Hotkeys list says to press CTRL + Shift and Left Mouse at the same time, but it really doesn't seem to work.

Is that really how you clear a texture? Is there another way? Can I use another hotkey?
I also noticed hotkeys list says I should be using CTRL + left mouse to draw texture, but CTRL + left mouse opens texture picker instead. I'm using Shift + left mouse to draw. Is that normal?

Thank you.

Update : I just downloaded Noggit SDL 1.2 and it works properly. The hotkey does work and I can remove chunk texture with this older version. Issue only apply to 1.3 version.

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