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Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:33:25 am »
Hmmm I don't think so.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:56:42 pm »
I have one more problem thought, most of the things are on German, in Noggit. Zone names, Settings and so on.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:49:08 pm »
Oh gooooooooooooood. What A fool I am.

Thank you good sir, Its up and running. And I will sure stick around Modcraft.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:34:18 pm »
Nope, did it on all possible files and folders, Also made sure there's no read only, and all of the files have User Full control.

By the way, WMV says that My version of Wow is not supported, And that i should update. But I am sure my wow version IS 3.3.5.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:14:02 pm »
It is there I sent the picture to Steff. Realmlist and enUS are in  the folder.

Here is the new pic.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 11, 2013, 12:51:36 pm »
Okay did that, still not working, neither Noggit nor WMV.
The log says the same except the Path was changed.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:43:28 am »
Doesn't let me post a damned link, says its spam.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 10, 2013, 11:04:56 pm »

#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = D:WoWModdingClient335aNoggitWow 3.3.5

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = D:WoWModdingProjectsTutorialProjectpatch

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = D:WoWModdingToolsWoWModelViewer7userSettingslog.txt

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.


1 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - SDL 1.2
796 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 4.2.0
796 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
796 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
796 - (Noggit.cpp:87): Using config file.
797 - (Noggit.cpp:257): Game path: D:WoWModdingClient335aNoggitWow 3.3.5
797 - (Noggit.cpp:261): Project path: D:WoWModdingProjectsTutorialProjectpatch
912 - (Noggit.cpp:308): [Error] Could not find locale directory. Be sure, that there is one containing the file "".

Also I'l try giving you a call tomorow, if I don't resolve it.

Noggit / Re: Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:45:21 pm »
Hmmm, Did everything as its supposed to be, Nor WMV nor Noggit works now.

Noggit / Noggit "Realmlist" Bug, And shutting down
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:14:30 pm »
So as I saw I am not the first one to have this problem, Its my first time with Noggit, and I am not experienced with it in no way. I will jump right at the problem.

Basically, Noggit starts up, white screen on it, shuts down in a second or two. The Config looks like this.

#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = D:wow335

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = E:wow335Noggit Project

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = E:WMV_Binary_v0703_Win64WMV MoP Testbuild 2 32-bitWMV MoP Testbuild 2 32-bituserSettings

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.

And the log

1 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - SDL 1.2
753 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 4.2.0
753 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
753 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
753 - (Noggit.cpp:87): Using config file.
754 - (Noggit.cpp:257): Game path: D:wow335
754 - (Noggit.cpp:261): Project path: E:wow335Noggit Project
872 - (Noggit.cpp:308): [Error] Could not find locale directory. Be sure, that there is one containing the file "".

My graphic card is an Nvidia GTS 450, I have Direct-X 11, Newest Drivers for the Nvdia and Visual Studio 2010 Runtime.

Also I'd like to note that I am using Noggit - NoggitSDL1.2

I have read the guide, and the installation part, and read other threads but nothing seems to fix it yet.

I'd appreciate help, and thanks in advance.

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