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Messages - bobilito

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Noggit won't save anymore :/
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:13:44 pm »
Quote from: "Hanfer"
first off: having spaces in file/dir names is a bad idea in generall.
also check if the file is really not there, this error sometimes triggers too fast.
Never has really been a problem for me before.

Quote from: "schlumpf"
Spaces should be fine.
Is "e:/dworld/maps/fel hills/fel hills_20_21.adt" really a location you can write to?
Yep, was a test directory I had made on a different drive to see if it was because it was being saved on my desktop before.

And, was still having that error.

Though, I seem to have somewhat narrowed down the issue. When I use texture replacement (change all textures in an adt from x to y) it is unable to save. So, not sure if this can help figuring out what's going on.

Noggit / [SOLVED] [QUESTION] Noggit won't save anymore :/
« on: November 26, 2013, 06:32:34 pm »
Okay, well for some reason out of the blue Noggit has stopped saving... Don't really know what's going on but yeah..

39713 - (MapTile.cpp:792): Saving ADT "WorldMapsFel HillsFel Hills_20_20.adt".
39713 - (MapTile.cpp:957): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion01shadowmoonvalleyshadowoutlanddirt02.blp".
39713 - (MapTile.cpp:957): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion01shadowmoonvalleyshadowoutlandroad.blp".
39713 - (MapTile.cpp:957): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion01shadowmoonvalleyshadowoutlandrock02.blp".
39750 - (MPQ.cpp:382): Saving file "e:/dworld/maps/fel hills/fel hills_20_20.adt".
39753 - (MapTile.cpp:792): Saving ADT "WorldMapsFel HillsFel Hills_20_21.adt".
39753 - (MapTile.cpp:957): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion01shadowmoonvalleyshadowoutlandroad.blp".
39753 - (MapTile.cpp:957): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion01shadowmoonvalleyshadowoutlandrock02.blp".
39781 - (MPQ.cpp:376): [Error] Is "e:/dworld/maps/fel hills/fel hills_20_21.adt" really a location I can write to? Saving failed.
39782 - (MPQ.cpp:382): Saving file "e:/dworld/maps/fel hills/fel hills_20_21.adt".

I've tried to change project paths, run as admin and nothing works. Don't know why it just randomly stops working. Tried to google it but couldn't find anything that was relevant to this.

Ok, seems like some adt's will save others won't.. Really no clue on what's going on :/

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