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Messages - Noones

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: Noggit crashes with Custom MPQ
« on: March 20, 2016, 01:19:18 pm »
Thanks for your answer, but i think you misunderstood my problem ( my english is pretty bad, sorry )

Noggit crashes on LOADING the map ( ANY MAP except QA_DEV ) when i got the Patch in my Noggit WoW Client.

Without the Patch ( so only default stuff ) my custom map and everything works fine.

If i use the Patch with my 3.3.5a Client im using for my server i can even spawn the Objects ingame ( and they work fine )

So Noggit got the Problem.

I hope you can understand what i am trying to say :P

Noggit / Noggit crashes with Custom MPQ
« on: March 19, 2016, 09:17:05 pm »
Hello everybody,

my Noggit is crashing when im trying a custom patch i created.

In this Patch im having a few Textures from Legion & WOD.

Also the following WMO Files ( converted ):







All these WMOs work 100% when i add them to the Gameobject DBC and spawn them ingame.

Noggit Log:

Tree of the Patch:

The Patch itself:!GUAQkIYS

KEY:  !5VJ4Qqf_3kEwKaAxDNXUCzldLR0BgeOEOQI9xmB_f4Y

The Files from the Patch:!eNJwgDJZ



Can someone please take a look at this and explain my mistake to me? :P


Greetings Noones

Pages: [1]