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Author Topic: Looking for a well experienced Model Editor (paying)  (Read 849 times)


  • Registred Member
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Looking for a well experienced Model Editor (paying)
« on: November 24, 2013, 10:08:07 am »
I'm offering a price range of 5$ to 40$, maybe more if someone can create this model, I managed to bring pieces from other models onto Thrall, I want his beard to be a nice grey, I want Rexxar's shoulder armor on him, in the order that the pictures show, I want the cloak from Rexxar on his back too, I will show you a few screenshots to show you what I mean

I basically just need you to mix Rexxar's cloak and his shoulderpad with Thrall's body.
I also want the cloak to be colored specifically to the PNG I will upload, if you want, we can talk about this over skype, my skype name is Deaven34.

If I like you work, we will work out the payment via paypal.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »