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Projects => Development and Presentation => Topic started by: AndreiOptyck on January 27, 2016, 07:05:39 pm

Title: [WoD] Prokect Skirtos WoW Hard WoW
Post by: AndreiOptyck on January 27, 2016, 07:05:39 pm
Many players from wow wod have experienced how easy was wow wod
i want it to make it a little harder so let me get this straight
this server will>
- disable all heirlooms-and delete them from the game
-Disable dungeons and bg finder - you must have to group up to queue for rdfs ,raids ,and for bg's you will have  npcs same for arenas npcs will be placed like in vanilla and wow tbc
-Script Karabor and Bladespire to make them Alliance and Horde hub
-Disable Garrisons
Re enable the cut battlegrounds - 4 bg's
Disable lvl 20 mounts you will get your first mount at 40 and price will be bigger
Buff mobs with 32 % percent and world bosses with 48 % so they will be hard to kill like in vanilla and every mob will be a challenge
Gold rate decrease and drops for items too to make gearing harder .Bosses from raids will drop only 1 item from raids
To balance classes and buff the tank pets of warlock to be true pet tanks

send me more suggestions
no vote points etc...
Title: Re: [WoD] Prokect Skirtos WoW Hard WoW
Post by: AndreiOptyck on January 27, 2016, 07:06:27 pm
i know my english is terrible but i want to brush it here :>