This is a read only copy without any forum functionality of the old Modcraft forum.
If there is anything that you would like to have removed, message me on Discord via Kaev#5208.
Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Messages - nanakotanoshi

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / [Looking to Hire] WoD Custom Login Screen
« on: March 20, 2016, 01:46:14 am »
Looking for someone to create a WoD custom login screen for me, I'd be willing to hire you and pay you $$. what i want is something like a book turning it's page or something along those lines, I mean I'd like to discuss it with the person rather then discuss it here so if anyone is interested in editing a wod custom login screen for me let me know and you can make some money =D.

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