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Messages - noyabrii

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] [WotLk] fire raven god m2 files
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:36:39 am »

I used these files:

and got the result:

but need to get:
> ... 144234.jpg

PLEASE! How do I fix it? The problem must be in the file m2 , please feel free to contact with me and help me to edit the file? Already I tried a lot of things ...

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] [WotLk] Fire Raven God
« on: February 15, 2016, 12:27:25 pm »
hey, guys!

I want to move the mount as did the author:
> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1956

if I am not mistaken , the problem blackout texture and not displaying the correct flame. I have all the same files as the author , but I can not fix these errors

can help me or explain what to do , it is desirable for the "steps" as a novice

really want to "finish" this mount , ready for paid services.
> my pic

Pages: [1]