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Messages - JRAY

Pages: [1]
Random / Re: Sky ID in raid?
« on: January 25, 2014, 12:44:44 am »
It is in the light dbc i just cant identify which line it is .Im basically just lookin for a reference dbc file to decipher which line it is and the map dbc didnt help me.

Random / Re: Sky ID in raid?
« on: January 24, 2014, 07:30:50 pm »
I dont think its a spell effect the sky im lookin for is just isolated to just that one area in Black Temple(Illidan fight).I just can't find the ID and cant remember what its listed as or what dbc its in.Its static to just that one spot no spell or anything causes a sky change.Anyways thanks for the response maybe Ill stumble upon the right entry again someday xD

Random / Re: Sky ID in raid?
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:59:51 pm »
Thats the problem only one is showin for the map.Im lookin for the event sky that comes with the Illidin encounter.

Random / Sky ID in raid?
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:18:48 pm »
Lookin how to find a sky in a raid.The sky for the Illidan fight with the big moon.I tried usin the map dbc to get the id to use for the light dbc but it isnt the one im lookin for.

I stumbled upon the sky i wanted a year ago when I was doin edits but I been away from it for a awhile now and I lost all edits when my other comp fried.So I have nothin to referance.Pretty much I'm just lookin for a point in the right direction what dbc file to look in to locate sky ID for instances not map zone.

Lookin for tutorial to add attachment points on a model.Is it possble to show enchants from in game on a custom model? Also what program would i need.

Random / Point in right direction if possible for an old mod
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:31:45 pm »
Morning, been a long road searchin but maybe i could get help here.I enjoy using the mods you artist create.Myself I have zero experience creating these mpq files.What I'm lookin for is a compatible version of pkxmans' high heel shoe mod for 3.3.5.All i could find is cata version not wotlk. Since this is a mod is it even possible to revert that file back to LK.It was originally released then and the creator only left this version layin around to be downloaded.The 3.3.5 version of mod expired on the file share sites long ago.

If someone is able to upload a workin lich king version I would be exstatic or a point in the right direction and Ill try and do it myself through trial and error if it's even possible.

I can link you an upload in a private message if anyone is interested in helpin for the 4.3 soundcache mpq to see if it could be reverted back to a workin 3.3.5 version.

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