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Author Topic: Issue with Objtom2 (No texture!) Urgently need help  (Read 763 times)


  • Registred Member
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Issue with Objtom2 (No texture!) Urgently need help
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:58:20 am »
So, I managed to convert a WOTLK m2 to WOD m2 format with the help of a friend, but I wanted to convert another object, this time, demon hunter horns from legion, the model is converted properly, but the textures won't, no matter what. Here's the steps I took throughout the whole process.

1. Got demon hunter horns from legion alpha and CASC data
2. Put demon hunter horns in a patch folder and exported them from WMV as OBJ
3. Altered orientation of the horns so they fit the Bloodelf female head
4. Applied material to object, with the name of the texture I intend to use
5. Applied applied texture to object same texture name, same texture location
6. Exported object and textures to one singular folder away from everything else, but in the same folder as the converter.
7. Typed into CMD "Objtom2.exe helm_robe_raidwarlock_a_01.obj helm_robe_raidwarlock_a_01 Objectcomponents/Head/"
8. Put the m2 and skin file into that directory, BLP was already there, as I just dropped it from the CASC into there.
9. Ran the game, green horns, no texture.

I've attempted about 19 times.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »