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Messages - Sander

Pages: [1]
Quote from: "Смердокрыл"
I can imagine it's possible to make a patch and put it into your client, but that would change all the night elf characters...

Also, there are programs/addons for morphing which are king of illegal on the official servers (debated), but I doubt your server's owner or whoever is responsible would be able to detect that.

Can you tell me more about these "progs/addons"?

Quote from: "Gurluas"
Quote from: "Sander"
Quote from: "Gurluas"
Quote from: "Sander"
Quote from: "Gurluas"
It's possible to change only your character but it's very very complicated.

Oh well :(

Sounds like a "not going to happen" then

I'm afraid so, try to lobby for a morph or something.

I have literally no clue what that means "try to lobby for a morph"

Ask whoever owns the server if you can get a morph to a High elf.

Ah, I see.
Thank you for that suggestion, but that will not happen.
Nostalrius is a "totally blizzlike" server, you can't even ask for race changes or optical rerolls.

Even though @everybody, if someone is capable of doing that, I'd even pay for that

Quote from: "Gurluas"
Quote from: "Sander"
Quote from: "Gurluas"
It's possible to change only your character but it's very very complicated.

Oh well :(

Sounds like a "not going to happen" then

I'm afraid so, try to lobby for a morph or something.

I have literally no clue what that means "try to lobby for a morph"

Quote from: "Gurluas"
It's possible to change only your character but it's very very complicated.

Oh well :(

Sounds like a "not going to happen" then

Is that possible? I play on the Warden protected server of Nostalrius and I want to swap my Night Elf to a High Elf model of WotLK / MoP.

I already tried out ... odels.html

this one, but it changes all Night Elves to Blood Elves instead of High Elves / only mine as well as it keeps dcing me from time to time

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