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Pages: [1]
Level Design / [SOLVED] WMO's won't spawn
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:33:09 pm »
When in Noggit, I go to the "From Text File" window, but clicking on any WMO results in nothing happening. Not even an error in the log. M2's work just fine, and my config file is set right. It was working yesterday, but today it's just not. Nothing changed.

I've tried installing different versions, reinstalling this version, looking on google... The list goes on. None of it worked.

I've been working on this issue all day and frankly at this point don't think that my little knowledge is enough to get this working. I don't know what i'm missing, and i'm sorry if it's painfully obvious to you Modcraft folk who seem to be masters of Noggit.

(I would send that log to you even though nothing out of the ordinary is in it, but as I am newly registered and this is my first post, the forum sees it as spam.)

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