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Author Topic: This might be possible right?  (Read 865 times)


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This might be possible right?
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:17:03 pm »
So I've been thinking lately.....

You guys know about the new in-game store right? What if you somehow made it connect to your private server vote shop? Do you think that it's theoretically possible and if so, what would need to be changed in order for it to work? Anyone that have looked into it because I might.

Anyways... my bet is that it's something inside the WoW.exe and not the mpq's. It most likely is that way. Just want to know what everyone thinks about this.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: This might be possible right?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 01:59:53 pm »
It is possible.
You would have to look at current emulators, if the shop works at all. If it works, it needs client side edits. I guess it won't, thus it needs battlenet server side edits.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »