Amaroth is right. Feature requests and bugs please into the bugtraker. I just cleaned it up and work trough the tickets.
And honestly (this is for Steff and other developers), I'd preffer to finally see new, stable-ish version of Noggit released after so long
time since 1.4 SDL, over waiting for next few dozens of months until that tool is completely perfect and contains all features which are being requested out there. You have done amazing job, but as long as there is no new public release, its here for kind of VIP club only.
We don´t add killer features in the moment. The goal is to finish a release version. But adsparten is working on the performance issues in the moment and I can not help much with this. So I decided to clean up the issues and just add easy to implement stuff to get tickets closed.
The case I don´t use the bitbucket feature discussion is that there not many people read and join the discussion.
Here we get some more feedback but fare away from what I want....
For me it is important to ask the community how certain features should behave.
Conclusion for this. Create copy on cursor position but don´t change ctrl + c/v clipboard.