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Author Topic: [QUESTION] [BUG] Custom Races Crash on Mounting?  (Read 1721 times)


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[QUESTION] [BUG] Custom Races Crash on Mounting?
« on: May 14, 2013, 02:09:45 am »
Hello modcraft community! I have been working with WoW modding for about a year now, and up until this point I hadn't encountered an issue that I couldn't resolve with my own resources. Hopefully someone on this board can provide me some insight to my problem.

I am having an issue where every time I mount or use a flight point on my custom race Tuskarr, Skeleton, and Ogre it crashes my server. I am running on Trinitycore, the latest rev. I can provide any of the code if someone would be willing to review my work, but I'll refrain from posting excess junk in case someone knows what might cause this.

Oddly enough, I have 4 other races High Elf, Broken, Naga, and Forest troll whom are able to mount and use flight points without issue.

I suppose my question is what would cause this to happen?

Any guidance would be appreciated!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] [BUG] Custom Races Crash on Mounting?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 08:50:36 pm »
Quote from: "Sin"
Hello modcraft community! I have been working with WoW modding for about a year now, and up until this point I hadn't encountered an issue that I couldn't resolve with my own resources. Hopefully someone on this board can provide me some insight to my problem.

I am having an issue where every time I mount or use a flight point on my custom race Tuskarr, Skeleton, and Ogre it crashes my server. I am running on Trinitycore, the latest rev. I can provide any of the code if someone would be willing to review my work, but I'll refrain from posting excess junk in case someone knows what might cause this.

Oddly enough, I have 4 other races High Elf, Broken, Naga, and Forest troll whom are able to mount and use flight points without issue.

I suppose my question is what would cause this to happen?

Any guidance would be appreciated!

Not sure about mounting, but I've had this issue with Flightpaths, and custom Flightpaths with new races...

Did you remember to edit Player.cpp and add in Taxiepaths?
Search for....
// race specific initial known nodes: capital and taxi hub masks

You'll find something similar to this...

switch (race)
        case RACE_HUMAN:    SetTaximaskNode(2);  break;     // Human
        case RACE_ORC:      SetTaximaskNode(23); break;     // Orc
        case RACE_DWARF:    SetTaximaskNode(6);  break;     // Dwarf
        case RACE_NIGHTELF: SetTaximaskNode(26);
                            SetTaximaskNode(27); break;     // Night Elf
        case RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER: SetTaximaskNode(11); break;// Undead
        case RACE_TAUREN:   SetTaximaskNode(22); break;     // Tauren
        case RACE_GNOME:    SetTaximaskNode(6);  break;     // Gnome
        case RACE_TROLL:    SetTaximaskNode(23); break;     // Troll
        case RACE_GOBLIN:   SetTaximaskNode(23); break;      // Naga
        case RACE_BLOODELF: SetTaximaskNode(82); break;     // Blood Elf
        case RACE_DRAENEI:  SetTaximaskNode(94); break;     // Draenei
        case RACE_NAGA:     SetTaximaskNode(2);  break;     // Nagal
        case RACE_BROKEN:   SetTaximaskNode(94); break;     // Broken
        case RACE_VRYKUL:   SetTaximaskNode(2);  break;     // Vrykul

    // new continent starting masks (It will be accessible only at new map)
    switch (Player::TeamForRace(race))
        case ALLIANCE: SetTaximaskNode(100); break;
        case HORDE:    SetTaximaskNode(99);  break;
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] [BUG] Custom Races Crash on Mounting?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2013, 06:38:54 pm »
Sorry for such a late response, work has been keeping me pretty busy!

I took a look, and I have them all filled out. It just seems to be a problem with handling how they mount. I can't seem to get over the fact that it worked before I added the two extra races.  High Elf and Ogre, which i added under Fel_orc and Goblin dbc values.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »