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Miscellaneous / Hiya - new member here. Q about parsing ADTs
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:28:59 pm »
Hello guys - this seemed to be the best place to post, but if I'm in a wrong forum or website, please feel free to redirect me, as I'm quite new to this scene.
First off - I have never played WoW - not even a test-version. Nor do I plan to. But someone asked my help to make a parser for ADT files, which I did, and hence my question:

When I read the heightmap from the MCNK files (well technically MCVT), I get some odd values.
Some chunks have an all-negative heightmap (which could mean that they're off-limits or the water-level is lowered), but when placing the 256 chunks from a complete MHDR->MCIN in a 16x16 grid, they don't seem to form a complete map (regardless of water-level). Granted I only have a couple of example ADTs, that I got from the guy, I'm helping out, but they still ought to contain a complete map (or a coastline or similar).
I'm convinced that:
1) Either the 145 heightmap values aren't aligned in a 9x9+8x8 grid numbered from the top.
2) The 256 chunks aren't aligned in 16x16 order but in some other way.
3) I'm reading/parsing the floats improperly (ie. they're not little-endian 2s complement).
These are the only 3 things, I can come up with, that I could be doing wrong. The rest of the parser seems to be working, and reading objects/texture etc. is no problem. Ofc there may be something, I'm missing - the Wiki isn't exactly a plethora of information :)

If someone could shed some light on this, I'd aprreciate it.

Regards and thanks in advance

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