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Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Any fix?
« on: April 28, 2013, 05:13:12 pm »
I can perfectly select it, I've done the CTRL + R, it works but.. I can't make walls face the other direction, I can't make houses do the same. :/

Noggit / [QUESTION] Any fix?
« on: April 26, 2013, 03:46:44 pm »
okay, so I'm in Noggit and I'm trying to rotate my object, I can only do Shift and Control, alt never works for me, any ideas? I'm on a laptop.
It seems to work just fine with trees, I can't do it with buildings... I can do it with trees and what not just not buildings...
Okay, it works well with some M2's, not WMOs, may I please know why? I've tried everything, I can use ALT on some M2s, just not WMOs... I can turn a tree on its side. I can turn a banner lay down, I just can't do that to a building. Please help, thanks.
I am also using the 'Copy from WoW Model Viewer'. Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, thanks.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] SHIFT / CTRL / ALT + Hold left mouse - rotate obje
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:57:03 pm »
Okay, it works well with some M2's, not WMOs, may I please know why? I've tried everything, I can use ALT on some M2s, just not WMOs... I can turn a tree on its side. I can turn a banner lay down, I just can't do that to a building. Please help, thanks.

[EDIT] I am also using the 'Copy from WoW Model Viewer'. Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, thanks.

Noggit / [BUG] Noggit object rotate bug
« on: April 22, 2013, 06:46:43 pm »
Okay, so I'm in Noggit and I'm trying to rotate my object, I can only do Shift and Control, alt never works for me, any ideas? I'm on a laptop.

[EDIT] It seems to work just fine with trees, I can't do it with buildings... I can do it with trees and what not just not buildings...

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