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Serverside Modding / Re: Talents
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:11:47 am »
Hey, I'm trying to change the locations of talents in the talent trees (not editing the structure of the trees). So for example, swapping the tier 3, 3rd column talent in the combat tree to the 2nd tier 3rd column in subtlety.

I have successfully done this server side, but when I patch the client side, the UI is all messed up, as you can see in the attached image.

I know it works server side because, even without changing the client, the talent that *appears* to be camouflage (in the subtlety tree) actually requires 10 points in combat and gives the close quarters combat effects. So that should all work fine. My only issue is all of those talents disappearing from the talent trees.

All I did was change the talenttab, tier, column, and prerequisite fields in the talent.dbc file for camouflage and close quarters combat. I didn't touch any other talent. This is a 3.3.5a emulator on mangos.

Any ideas?

edit: I tested swapping two talents in the same tree, and that seems to work perfectly both server and client side. So clearly there is some issue with changing the talents between trees that I am missing.

edit2: I've done some more experimentation and got some more information. I tried removing blade flurry, which is the prerequisite of weapon expertise. When I did this by replacing every field in the talent.dbc for id223(bladeflurry), the UI broke (every talent up to and including blade flurry was missing). However, when I put the talenttab number back in (the number indicating which tree blade flurry belongs to) the talent tree looks and behaves perfectly. So now it's clear that it's specifically the talenttab field which is breaking the UI when changed -- there must be something else corresponding that needs a change, I just don't know what it is yet.

edit3: A functional work around is to swap the spell IDs in two talents in different trees to switch the trees, and then freely move the tier/column/prereqs/etc. It would be nice to know why directly changing the talenttab number messes everything up though.

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